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Broken Saddle Riding offers 75 acres of land, including access to trails and the beach.

Horses are turned out 24/7, with continuous access to shelter, salt, hay and water. 

There is a round pen on site.

We are working like busy bees, and there will be surprise upgrades throughout the next few months!


We offer different horses for on property lease.

Leasing a horse is a fun and effective way to be responsible for a horse without the commitment of owning the animal. It can be a steppingstone to making your dreams come true.

Contact Miah for more information

Alpaca compost has the highest N-P-K of any natural fertilizer. It is lower in organic matter content than the manure from most other barnyard livestock, creating a higher concentration of nutrients as well as improving soil texture and water holding capacity.
It is good for plants, providing a fair amount of nitrogen and potassium and above average levels of phosphorus. 


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How to use it-

  • Till in fresh alpaca beans directly into your garden beds, in both spring and fall

  • Sprinkle alpaca beans at the soil surface and around plants. It acts as a time-release capsule, imparting nutrients with every watering or rain.

  • Alpaca beans are almost odourless and seed free.

  • $20.00/bag containing app 15lbs of beans-bring your own bucket.

 Make a 'Tea'

  • Take an old milk jug and add a few handfuls of the alpaca beans.

  • Fill it with water.

  • Replace the cap and set it in direct sun for at least one day.   Allowing it to steep for several days will extract more of the good stuff.

  • Pour the 'tea' into a garden or hose sprayer.   Use as a foliar spray to feed plants and the lawn.

  • The used beans will still have some good stuff remaining, so sprinkle them in the garden or on the lawn.

  • Mix about a third of a cup (79 ml) of alpaca beans to every two-thirds of a cup (158 ml) of water


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Meet and Greet

Beach Walks

First 30 minutes includes

the introduction to the


Second 30 minutes

is a walk on the trails. 


1 Hour -$39.99 +tax/person


if you share the same

animal. MAX 2 people per animal


First 30 minutes includes

the introduction to the


The second 30 minutes is a walk on the beach.


1 Hour -$49.99 +tax/person

                 $34.99 +tax/person

       if two people share

the same animal








An introduction to the

animals with the

opportunity to give

them a treat.



30 minutes-$9.99+ tax/person

children under 5 are free




Family walks

We will be offering Alpaca activities. 

No dogs permitted on site, and children must be supervised. 

Proper boots are required. 


Don't forget your cameras, as there will be many opportunities

for great photos!!


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All ages welcome, no dogs on site.

Party begins with the introduction to the farm-meet and greet.

Children are given the opportunity to groom the selected animals, with the chance to give the animals a treat. 

If time permits and the interest is there, a 30 minute walk , with the animals is included. 


1 1/2 Hours-$300+tax

additional hour $75+tax


Max 20 people

$2.00 km round trip for off property birthday parties


Pony rides $10.00/person

Cake and food can be provided for a fee


Snacks are included


We periodically offer farm camp. The kids have fun meeting new friends, both the 2- legged and 4 -legged kind! The children get to play games outdoors, while learning the responsibilities of caring for animals. *Please check our up coming schedules*

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